Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bearded Dragon Cage – What’s The Requirements? | Dog Training Blog | Tips and Dog Training Resources

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Bearded Dragon Cage – What’s The Requirements?

November 5, 2011 by Guest Blogger  
Filed under ABC Articles

A Bearded Dragon cage is also known as a vivarium and ideally it should be made of glass with a solid back panel or three aides solid with a glass front panel. This is so you can see your Bearded Dragon pet but also so he can see you.

A Bearded Dragon cage for a baby dragon should not be too big as your dragon might not be able to find it’s water, food, shelters or basking spots. It’s best to start off with a small enclosure up to 30 inches or 76 cm long. The Bearded Dragon cage will need to get bigger as you dragon grows. The smallest enclosure for one or two adult bearded dragons would be a 6 foot by 2 foot (1800 x 600).

The enclosure has to be large enough otherwise the health of your dragon will suffer. They need to be able to move around and climb. There also has to be adequate ventilation either by air vents or a mesh top.

You can place your Bearded Dragon cage outside in warm climates. The enclosure must have a screen or be covered. Ideally the outside enclosure would have a covered area to escape from the sun and rain and also an area exposed to the elements for sun basking. The enclosure also needs to be secure to protect the bearded dragon from predators such as foxes and cats etc.

Avoid placing outdoor enclosures on concrete as these surfaces absorb heat and it may become too hot. On top of grass or sandy soil would be good.

For an inside bearded dragon cage it is important to provide three things. The three things are lighting, heating and the right flooring or substrate.

Substrate can be newspaper, sand or sandy soil. Sand is the best but it will need to be kept clean by removing faeces with a scoop. Sand can benefit by being sieved now and then and being completely changed every 4 weeks.

It’s crucial for Bearded Dragon health to have UVB light. In the wild they bask on top of rocks in the sun to absorb the rays and heat. In a Bearded Dragon cage you must provide UVB lights which is crucial for their development and the absorption of Calcium. Bearded Dragon diet and Bearded Dragon food is very important to get right but without the right UVB lighting it’s impossible for your dragon to digest food and absorb calcium.

Lastly the heating is also important provided by an incandescent bulb. Place this 100 – 150 mm above a basking rock and preferably at one end of the enclosure. This gives your bearded Dragon a cool spot to go to when they have had enough heat.

Ideally it would be good to have an indoor and an outdoor cage if possible. This way you can be sure your Beardie is getting natural sunlight during the day. If you can do this then the UVB light in the indoor enclosure isn’t needed, just the heat light.


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