Metatarsalgia is not life threatening but it is a pain in the neck (sorry foot) if you have it. It's usually an injury, wearing cramped high heels or a strain to the foot from athletics or similar that causes it. I first noticed pain in the ball of my foot when I first woke up in the morning. I didn't pay too much attention at first until it kept persisting every morning. The pain would subside after a short time and during the day I would be fine. After a couple of months I noticed the pain was beginning to be noticeable during the day as well, not as much but still there. I've heard that acupuncture, massage and rest can have some positive results. I''m going to try acupuncture first as I've had great results for other things such as severe insomnia and painful periods. I love alternative therapies especially when western medicine really only offers pain killers and surgery. That's fine for some but that's only treating the symptoms and not the cause.
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