Teppanyaki has taken the world by storm. It is hugely popular all over the world and originally started out in Japan. Although the Japanese started teppanyaki cooking it was mainly to cater to westerners as most japanese prefer their food raw. Teppan-yaki cooking is a Japanese term for "cooking on the grill." This tabletop form of cooking is a popular tourist attraction that combines knife skills and an entertaining presentation. It is the Japanese form of barbecue and consists of a flat wide grill with a pit where the chef stands as the customers surround him. Tourists in japan were so enthralled by this fast paced style of chopping, flipping, slicing and twirling that it didnt take long to take it to the west. Teppanyaki is now worldwide and every major city has a teppanyaki restaurant. Visiting a teppanyaki restaurant in Sydney or a teppanyaki restaurant in Melbourne is part of the experience in these multicultural cities. If you're looking for Teppanyaki on the Gold Coast or Teppanyaki in Brisbane then these two cities are well catered for. These Queensland hotspots cater to every taste and none more so than the ever entertaining teppanyaki restaurants.
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