Sunday, May 15, 2011

Why Are Termite Numbers Exploding Across Queensland?

I recently wrote a post about my experience with termites and how I finally got rid of them but since experiencing termites myself I have come across so many people that have either had them or currently have them. I guess it's like anything, you don't really take notice until it happens to you but why are termites such a problem in Queensland?

We thought we were really vigilant when it came to checking for termites. Our whole house is surrounded by concrete paths and we have never built garden beds against the house. We thought this would make things really easy allowing us to see any termite tunnels as our house slab was fully exposed. We never cluttered our yard with old timber but still somehow termites did get into our house. For us it was because we had built on a couple of extension and the termites were coming into the house (inside the walls) by entering where the concrete slabs met.

The question remains however, why do termites love Queensland and what can we do in general to keep on top of this never ending termite problem. Termites have been around forever and they have no intention of going anywhere but there are a few things we can do to be aware of them and prevent them. Check out my ezine article I wrote,-Prevent-and-Treat-Them&id=6261775 about why we have such a big termite problem on the Gold Coast and Brisbane. Our weather really does provide the ideal conditions for termites.

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